How High The Larks Fly - Front Cover Full

How High The Larks Fly

A story of profound courage and bravery during and after WWII. This is the story of Ruth Lindenau, a young girl from Tiegenort, West Prussia who survived three prison camps in her life and how her talent and courage to survive kept her going.

If Heaven had a Flavor - draft cover

If Heaven Had A Flavor

Reflective and thoughtful recollections of childhood memories and growing up in South West England, particularly the lovely, distinct city of Bath. This is a vivid, moving, at times very entertaining yet poignant story. Don’t miss this account of life in Post War Britain: Christine Hamer-Hodges’ beautiful Autobiography.

The Opening Act - Front cover full size

The Opening Act

This is a love story about an extraordinary young couple who put Latin dance on the map at New York’s Palladium. Turning the world of ballroom dancing and the nightlife in the city upside down, they went on to be the highest paid dance duo in the world, opening acts for numerous celebrities. Many of them became lifelong friends, particularly Sammy Davis Jr. whose close relationship with Augie and Margo forms an integral part of the story. Their memories and insights into some of the world’s icons are sometimes hilarious, sometimes surprising, sometimes sad or tender; but always revealing.

A Captivating and Inspiring Story Conveyed in Cinematically Dramatic Terms!

How High the Larks Fly - back cover

How High the Larks Fly – back of book description

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About the author

Writer Portrait 12

Author of two biographies, an autobiography, a cookbook, a blogger on food for all, a passionate wife, loving Mother, and Grandmother.

How High the Larks Fly is Christine’s second biography. Born in the UK, she has had a home in the USA for forty-five years, and is a very proud American. She has also lived in Stuttgart, Germany, and Brussels, Belgium, and she speaks both German and French. She is a cordon bleu cook, and enjoys cooking dishes that have originated from countries all around the world.

Her first book, The Opening Act, was about Augie and Margo Rodrigues, the incredible dancing couple who made the mambo dance famous back in the 1950’s in New York’s Palladium. They went on to become the highest paid dancers in the world, opening acts for numerous performers, including Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Sammy Davis Jr and Liberace.

Christine has also written her autobiography, If Heaven Had a Flavor, soon to be published.

She lives in Florida with her husband Ken, and has two sons, Matthew and Daniel, and two grandsons, Charlie and William.

Christine Hamer-Hodges

Other Books

book titles by Christine Hamer-Hodges

Empathy is perhaps the most important law of existence for mankind. With empathy and insight Christine hamer-Hodges explores in her new book, How High The Larks Fly, the crisis of the soul of an entire generation of German youth during the Third Reich. She does that through the eyes of Ruth Lindenau, a bright village girl who was taken from her home and sent to a school for gifted children, who were classified as pure Aryans according to the standards of Nazi ideology. It was at those schools that the Nazi leadership hoped to engineer a new superior race. This is the true story of Ruth's miraculous escape - a remarkable series of events, both terrifying and liberating, conveyed in cinematically dramatic terms. This book is about the love found in a place where hope seems to cease to exist, and a loss when love seems possible A captivating and inspiring story!

Vadim Prokhorov                                 Author, Artist, Composer


I have just finished reading the above. It was fantastic. I could not put it down. I would like to contact the author and congratulate her. To be honest, it is so good that a good screenplay will make it a Hollywood hit. It has all the right ingredients. The ending is perfect. It is hard to believe that it is a true story. Most stories like this are made up by fiction writers for Hollywood.

Anthony J. Titone Esq.                           Trial Lawyer, Mediator & Arbitrator

The Opening Act: The Love Story Of Augie and Margo Rodriguez Augie and Margo dance off the pages of "The Opening Act" through the magic and brilliance of a natural writer. Christine Hamer-Hodges has captured every step of their extraodinary lives with honesty, truth and the beat of lives worth living, worth watching, worth reading about. When I worked as an editor of the Reader's Digest, we had something called "the slush pile" ... a mound of unsolicited manuscripts sent to us by hopeful authors. In all my years at the Digest, I only discovered three writers who rose to the top of that pile ... diamonds sparkling to be published. Here now is a fourth. Christine Hamer-Hodges has taken the written word and wrapped it around an extraordinary event ... the love story of Augie and Margo Rodriguez.

Temple Emmet Williams                    Former Reader’s Digest Editor            Rates Opening Act 5 Stars | 5.0 out of 5 stars | Reviewed in the US on June 30, 2007

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